質問 > 管理機能 > Xサーバー、EC-CUBE4.2スキーマ更新でエラー |
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投稿日時: 2024/6/3 13:25
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半人前 ![]() ![]() 登録日: 2023/8/24 居住地: 投稿: 28 |
Xサーバー、EC-CUBE4.2スキーマ更新でエラー [EC-CUBE] EC-CUBE 4.2.2
[レンタルサーバ] Xserver [PHP] PHP 7.4.33 [データベース] MySQL 5.7.31 インストールしてデバッグモードにしています。 必要があって、Xサーバーでコマンドを利用しました。 PHPはPHP 7.4.33 (cli)に変更しています。 https://doc4.ec-cube.net/customize_entity https://umebius.com/eccube/eccube4-add-new-form-item-customer/ 上記を参考にしました。 ・proxyファイルを生成 bin/console eccube:generate:proxies gen -> ***/app/proxy/entity/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php ・キャッシュをクリア bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully cleared. は正常に動作しましたが、 ・テーブルにカラムを追加 bin/console eccube:schema:update –force –dump-sql 上記コマンドで以下の警告が発生しました。 ------------ 本来はCustomer.phpに関するテーブルだけにカラムを追加、と認識しているのですが。 gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.phpなどの一覧が表示になってしまいました ------------ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ここから警告↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ CRITICAL [console] Error thrown while running command "eccube:schema:update '–force' '–dump-sql'". Message: "No arguments expected for "eccube:schema:update" command, got "–force"." ["exception" => Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException^ { …},"command" => "eccube:schema:update '–force' '–dump-sql'","message" => "No arguments expected for "eccube:schema:update" command, got "–force"."] ["file" => "***/vendor/symfony/console/EventListener/ErrorListener.php","line" => 48,"class" => "Symfony\Component\Console\EventListener\ErrorListener","callType" => "->","function" => "onConsoleError","uid" => "3a7bd5a","user_id" => "N/A","session_id" => "N/A"] 以下は赤バック----------- No arguments expected for "eccube:schema:update" command, got "–force". ----------- eccube:schema:update [--em EM] [--complete] [--dump-sql] [-f|--force] [--no-proxy] $ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/ /Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Customer.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Product.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/Member.php gen -> /tmp/proxy_JVmyRz67W6vI/src/Eccube/Entity/BaseInfo.php ※以下は黄色枠---------- [WARNING] Not passing the "--complete" option to "orm:schema-tool:update" is deprecated and will not be supported when using doctrine/dbal 4 ---------- ALTER TABLE dtb_cart CHANGE total_price total_price NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE delivery_fee_total delivery_fee_total NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE dtb_payment CHANGE charge charge NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE dtb_cart_item CHANGE price price NUMERIC(12, 2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE dtb_customer ADD mobile_number VARCHAR(14) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE buy_total buy_total NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE dtb_order CHANGE subtotal subtotal NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE discount discount NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE delivery_fee_total delivery_fee_total NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE charge charge NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE tax tax NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE total total NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CHANGE payment_total payment_total NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE dtb_order_item CHANGE price price NUMERIC(12, 2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE plg_coupon CHANGE discount_price discount_price NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0', CHANGE coupon_lower_limit coupon_lower_limit NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE plg_coupon_order CHANGE discount discount NUMERIC(12, 2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; お手数おかけしますが、対処方法をご教授下さい。 足りない情報があればご指摘下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。 |
フラット表示 | 前のトピック | 次のトピック |
題名 | 投稿者 | 日時 |
» ![]() |
WYB | 2024/6/3 13:25 |
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k.nakayama | 2024/6/3 13:36 |
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WYB | 2024/6/3 16:06 |
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mcontact | 2024/6/4 9:10 |
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WYB | 2024/6/10 20:35 |